How To Finally Get Out Of Pain And Get Back To Training After Injury

Pete Fry – Movement Specialist

Hi, I’m Pete Fry – a Movement Specialist from Cardiff, UK – and I’ve been helping people get back to training after injury and surgery since 2014.

Being injured or in pain is no fun and following the right rehab approach is essential for a full and fast recovery.

But there’s a problem…

Many people spend weeks, months or years in pain…trying treatment, exercises and stretches that bring SHORT-TERM results but FAIL to get them back doing what they love LONG-TERM.
Have you been stuck in a cycle of short-term rehab results?

If stretching “tight” muscles or strengthening “weak” muscles hasn’t produced results in your rehab, it’s time for a new approach.

The good news is that by following the right rehab approach you can get out of pain and rebuild strength, stability and confidence in your movement so you can finally get back to doing the things you want to do.

How To Move Out Of Pain

Pain is a complex whole-body experience designed to protect us.

When we get injured – either from a single incident or overuse – we usually experience pain.

Pain helps us to protect an injured area, allowing our muscles, tendons, ligaments & bones to heal.

The problem is that after injury our tissues can heal but we can still experience pain.

This is what’s known as ‘chronic pain’ and many rehab treatments are focused around reducing pain…SHORT-TERM.

In injury rehab, LONG-TERM success ultimately comes from learning to move in ways that don’t cause pain or injury.

And this is exactly how we can help…

Our Approach

Assessing hip movement as part of Gareth’s groin rehab session

Step 1 – Movement Assessment

The first thing we do is assess your movement – bone by bone, joint by joint, muscle by muscle – and consider everything that might be contributing to your pain, weakness or instability.

It’s common to have been through rehab for weeks, months or years and never had your movement assessed!

Building quad and glute strength in Izzy’s lower back rehab program

Step 2 – Movement Coaching

Next we coach you through a personalised movement program, specifically designed to help you move better, get out of pain and get back to doing what you love.

Everything we do with you is based in the ‘real world’ – helping you move away from a clinical environment and get back on your feet.

Creating range at the shoulder for Anthony’s shoulder rehab

Step 3 – Homework Exercises

Every movement coaching session comes complete with a set of homework exercises for you to practice daily at home or perform as part of your warm-up prior to training.

Your homework exercises are specifically designed to help you rebuild strength, range, stability and confidence in your movement so you can finally get your exercise or training routine back on track!

Real Results

This unique science-based approach has helped hundreds of people get out of pain and overcome a wide array of musculoskeletal injuries and conditions like:

  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Achilles Tendonitis
  • Shin Splints
  • ITB Syndrome (Runner’s Knee)
  • Patellar Tendonitis
  • Hamstring Tendinopathy
  • Quad Tendon Rupture
  • Groin Strain
  • Lower Back Pain (Non-specific)
  • Disc Herniation
  • Spinal Spondylosis & Stenosis
  • Pec Rupture
  • Shoulder Impingement
  • Bicep Tendon Rupture

…and many more.

Need Help?

Get FREE Advice Today

Book a FREE Consultation Call today and we’ll discuss…

  • Your injury, surgery or pain
  • Your movement and training goals
  • The rehab approaches you’ve tried so far – what’s worked and what hasn’t
  • The EXACT next steps to take to finally start seeing progress in your rehab

…and more!

Fill in the form below to book a FREE Consultation Call today…



    Quad Surgery Rehab

    “After 6 months I have returned to pre-injury levels of endurance, cycled to Tenby (100+ miles) and now running 5k around my PB time, pain-free.

    I’d thoroughly recommend Pete to anyone wanting to return to sport post injury.

    – John Cook

    Hamstring Tendinopathy

    “After struggling with left hip/glute/hamstring pain for 3-4 years I was resigned to the fact that this was something I had to live with, until I found Pete.

    Now I’m virtually pain-free, can move more freely and feel so much stronger.”

    -Lisa Bass

    Running Rehab (Lower Limb)

    “Finished up an amazing 12 week program with @sportfunction and even though this picture shows some great visual improvements, more importantly I feel like I’m running so much better.

    Running feels easier and a feel like I’m floating along trails right now.

    3 months of training has lead me to my first big race this year in 10 days time. The first time I’ve got myself to the start line without a major setback.”

    – Cameron Lacey-Coles

    L5/S1 Fracture (Lower Back)

    “After 5 months off due to a fractured L5/S1 I sought Pete’s help for some form of help/rehabilitation training.

    Had a 90-minute session with Pete today and he had me walking pain free by the end of the session. This has NOT happened in 5 months and I’m elated and very impressed. He was very knowledgeable and even took the time to explain the technicalities to my PT and in simpler terms for me.”

    – Joanna Murphy

    Post-Hip Surgery Rehabilitation

    “Fantastic bespoke rehabilitation sessions post hip operation for arthritis. I have gone from believing I would never be able to ride my horse again without significant pain to real optimism that I WILL be able to ride pain free again! I can’t tell you how amazing that feels. Thanks so much Pete!”

    – Fiona Lewis

    Ankle Injury Rehabilitation

    I started seeing Pete after sustaining ankle ligament damage when playing rugby.

    Working on increasing ankle range of movement, foot movement mechanics and stability combined with some additional hip work my ankle has improved significantly and I have returned to playing rugby thanks to Pete’s help.”

    – Katie Davies, Physiotherapist

    Groin Injury Rehabilitation

    “I’ve had a history of groin and hip flexor injuries and tried many different rehab strategies, with limited success.

    Amongst other things, Pete designed a warm-up routine that targets the area of my previous injuries and have kept me injury free through a pretty tough training year (which seems like a fair trade).”

    – Gareth Revell, Touch Player & Coach (Cardiff Raptors & Wales)

    Pain-Free Squatting

    “I have started working with Pete following a physio referral for a list of mobility issues that have led to difficulty performing pain free squats and lunges in particular.

    After just a couple of sessions with Pete, he has assessed my movement and identified what causes the pain and I have been able to perform a weighted bar squat pain free for the first time in years!”

    – Kayleigh Rosewell

    Need Help?

    Get FREE Advice Today

    Book a FREE Consultation Call today and we’ll discuss…

    • Your injury, surgery or pain
    • Your movement and training goals
    • The rehab approaches you’ve tried so far – what’s worked and what hasn’t
    • The next steps to take to finally start seeing progress in your rehab

    …and more.

    Fill in the form below to book your FREE Consultation Call today…
