How To Resolve Persistent Running Pain And Repetitive Injury And Finally Reach Your Training Goals
Hi, I’m Pete Fry – a Movement Specialist from Cardiff, UK – and I’ve been helping people get back to training after injury and surgery since 2014.
Being injured or in pain is no fun and following the right rehab approach is essential for a full and fast recovery.
But there’s a problem…
Many people spend months or years struggling with running injuries…trying treatment, exercises and stretches that bring SHORT-TERM relief but FAIL to get them back to running pain-free LONG-TERM.
If stretching, foam rolling and massage haven’t given you the results you want and running is still painful, then there’s more you can do.
The good news is that by following the right rehab approach you can stop the cycle of short-term treatments and techniques and finally start seeing LONG-TERM results from your rehab.
How To Move Out Of Pain
Pain is a complex whole-body experience designed to protect us.
When we get injured – either from a single incident or overuse – we usually experience pain.
Pain helps us to protect an injured area, allowing our muscles, tendons, ligaments & bones to heal.
The problem is that after injury our tissues can heal but we can still experience pain.
This is what’s known as ‘chronic pain’ and many rehab treatments are focused around reducing pain…SHORT-TERM.
In injury rehab, LONG-TERM success ultimately comes from learning to move in ways that don’t cause pain.
And this is exactly how we can help…
Our Approach
Step 1 – Running Assessment

The first thing we do is assess your movement – bone by bone, joint by joint, muscle by muscle – and consider everything that might be contributing to your pain, weakness or instability.
Assessing your biomechanics is a huge piece of the running rehab puzzle that is often overlooked, and it’s common to have been through rehab for weeks, months or years and never had your movement assessed!
Step 2 – Skill Development

Then we coach you through a personalised movement program, specifically designed to help you:
- Target specific muscles
- Build strength and power
- Increase (or sometimes decrease!) range
- Improve core stability
- Regain confidence moving
…and so much more.
Everything we do with you is based in the ‘real world’ – helping you move away from a clinical environment and get back on your feet and back to running!
Step 3 – Homework Exercises

Every movement coaching session comes with a set of homework exercises for you to practice at home or to drill as part of your warm-up prior to training.
These exercises are specifically designed to help you ‘dial in’ your best movements and move away from your problematic and painful movements permanently.
Real Results
And of course getting messages like this is what it’s all about…

The same unique science-based approach has also helped hundreds of people get out of pain and overcome a wide array of running-related injuries like:
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Achilles Tendonitis
- Shin Splints
- ITB Syndrome (Runner’s Knee)
- Patellar Tendonitis
- Compartment Syndrome
- Groin Strain
- Lower Back Pain
…and many more.
More Great Results

Need Help?
Get FREE Advice Today
Book a FREE Consultation Call today and we’ll discuss…
- Your injury, surgery or pain
- Your movement and training goals
- The rehab approaches you’ve tried so far – what’s worked and what hasn’t
- The EXACT next steps to take to finally start seeing progress in your rehab
…and more!
Fill in the form below to book a FREE Consultation Call today…
Calf & Achilles Rehab
“Finished up an amazing 12 week program with @sportfunction and even though this picture shows some great visual improvements, more importantly I feel like I’m running so much better.
Running feels easier and a feel like I’m floating along trails right now.
3 months of training has lead me to my first big race this year in 10 days time. The first time I’ve got myself to the start line without a major setback.”
Cameron Lacey-Coles
Plantar Fasciitis & Shin Splints

“So, in case you’re wondering whether this is the real deal or not, it is.
I’m a Physio myself, but have not yet found another Physio that has been able to help me with my chronic overuse injuries from running.
Pete spends so much time over the movement analysis, both in person and with video footage, to make sure he is on the right track.
He is very dynamic and interactive with me and we always talk through what we’re doing and why we are doing it – and he gives me plenty of work to do at home.
You can see when working with him that he is really passionate about what he does and wanting to see his clients improve. To put it simply: an all round great guy who really knows what he’s talking about. You won’t be disappointed.“
Dani Cocking – Physiotherapist & 800m Runner
Knee Rehab For Running
“I can thoroughly recommend Pete to help with sports injuries. Pete has helped me to return to regular running after severe knee pain. And you don’t even have to be in the same place to have an appointment!
I had to pull out marathon training because of a knee injury. I had consulted several people, sports therapists, GP, podiatrist etc., but nothing seemed to help. I heard about Pete through a recommendation so I thought it was worth giving him a try.
As Pete is based in Cardiff and I am in Torbay, we agreed to have a Skype consultation. He asked for a video of me running in advance. In fact, he was the first of the 7 people I have consulted who actually wanted to see me running! This gave me some confidence and meant that he was prepared and already had an idea of my problems before we started.
Having a Skype consultation was surprisingly unproblematic – it took a little longer the first time to make sure everything was visible, but after that it worked very well. Pete put me through a series of tests and constantly asked me for feedback. He used the feedback to adapt the exercises to obtain more information about my flexibility. He then gave a clear analysis of what he thought the problem was and what I needed to do to improve it. He talked me through a daily set of exercises to improve flexibility and then sent follow-up information to consolidate this.
The whole process was focused and professional. In fact, the Skype route probably made the process more efficient, because there is no need for either of us to travel, and less scope for other distractions. And best of all, I am now running without pain again.“
Roger Matthews
Quad Surgery Rehab
“I was recommended to see Pete as I was struggling to increase the distance I was able to run and also experiencing pains in my lower legs during and after the runs.
Pete has a great way of extracting all the vital information about issue and how it affects you, then using a wide range of alternative motion stretches, fatiguing and slow-motion recording techniques you can see for yourself where your problems are. The adjustments and advice offered solved the problems time and time again
Thanks to Pete, I was able to run my first 10k, Half Marathon and am now looking forward to running 10k’s without even thinking, next year’s Cardiff 1/2 again and maybe even a Triathlon!
If you have any sort of physical functionality issue, I would strongly recommend booking in with Pete, he’s a top guy, has the knowledge, the experience and won’t give up until you’re sorted.“
Chris Cousins
Ankle Injury Rehabilitation

“I started seeing Pete after sustaining ankle ligament damage when playing rugby.
Working on increasing ankle range of movement, foot movement mechanics and stability combined with some additional hip work my ankle has improved significantly and I have returned to playing rugby thanks to Pete’s help.”
Katie Davies, Physiotherapist
Groin Injury Rehabilitation

“I’ve had a history of groin and hip flexor injuries and tried many different rehab strategies, with limited success.
Amongst other things, Pete designed a warm-up routine that targets the area of my previous injuries and have kept me injury free through a pretty tough training year (which seems like a fair trade).”
Gareth Revell, Touch Player & Coach (Cardiff Raptors & Wales)
Need Help?
Get FREE Advice Today
Book a FREE Consultation Call today and we’ll discuss…
- Your injury, surgery or pain
- Your movement and training goals
- The rehab approaches you’ve tried so far – what’s worked and what hasn’t
- The next steps to take to finally start seeing progress in your rehab
…and more.
Fill in the form below to book your FREE Consultation Call today…